Canada Work Visa Without Job offer from Canada (News 2023)

Canada Work Visa Without Job offer from Canada (News 2023)

Hi, there is a New Visa launched by the Canadian Government. Today I will tell you about the Canada Work Visa Without Job Offer from Canada. The government of Canada has launched a “Digital Nomad Visa” Talent Tech Strategy. The Canada digital nomad visa is a temporary work permit that allows digital nomads to work in Canada for up to six months.

Do I need a job offer for Canada digital nomad visa?

No, you do not need a job offer from a Canadian employer to apply for the Canada digital nomad visa. However, you must be able to prove that you have a remote job with a foreign employer. This can be done by providing documentation such as a contract or letter of employment.

If you do not have a job offer from a foreign employer, you may still be eligible for the Canada digital nomad visa if you can prove that you have the financial means to support yourself while in Canada. This can be done by providing documentation such as bank statements or tax returns.

It is important to note that the Canada digital nomad visa is a temporary work permit. This means that you will not be able to stay in Canada permanently. However, if you are able to find a job with a Canadian employer, you may be able to apply for a permanent residency visa.


  • To be eligible for the digital nomad visa, you must meet the following requirements:
    • You must be a citizen of a country that has a visa-free or visa-on-arrival arrangement with Canada.
    • You must be able to support yourself financially while in Canada.
    • You must have a valid passport and travel insurance.
    • You must have a job offer from a foreign employer.
  • If you are eligible for the digital nomad visa, you can apply online for a Tourist Visa.
  • The application process typically takes a few weeks to complete.
  • Once your application is approved, you will be issued a temporary work permit that allows you to work in Canada for up to six months.

News Source: Canada’s Tech Talent Strategy: